3 Dimensional Bliss Quest Program​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Within One Year, Emerge With A Complete Vision and A Serene Spirit For Your Entire Life

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Here is how it works......

The 3D Bliss Quest Program consists of 4 parts. ​​​​​​​

Part 1, The 3D Bliss Quest system. This system is composed of 5 subsystems. These 5 subsystems are modularized into various modules with great flexibility. Each module consists of a few short videos of 10 to 20 minutes and various homework, exercises, and reading lists. Each student receives a customized module portfolio according to their circumstances and prospects. They learn in their spare time in the comfort of being home.  

Part 2, 6 times one-to-one online coaching of 60 minutes. The time interval will be aligned with the student's progress and pace. 

Part 3, 4-day Boost Camp. Apart from the peer-to-peer experience and the sharing, students will get to re-learn the system systematically. There will be instant feedback and insight into deeper thoughts. 

Part 4, 7-day The Qi Retreat. There will be a Qi master coming directly from China for physical invigoration (The maximum effect of Qi Meditation is to do it together with a large group of people at an energy-abundant place like in the Alps). It is a once-in-a-lifetime experience of physical, mental, and spiritual rejuvenation. 


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3 Dimensional Bliss Quest Program is powered by the combination of Eastern wisdom and Western methodology.

This 1-year program takes you into Miao Gerhard’s precise and simplified methodology to boost your peak state physically, mentally and spiritually. 

Corporate and Business Plans

Bring your entire company on 3D Bliss Quest. Please leave me a message here......

25'998 CHF

Or pay in 4 installments of 6'500 CHF each for a total of 26'000 CHF

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For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.

What is the investment?

Let me explain why this program stands out from the rest.

First and foremost, this program is unparalleled because it was conceived and developed solely by me, the creator. When you enroll, you'll have the unique opportunity to learn directly from the source.

Have you ever attended a workshop that left you inspired but ultimately resulted in no tangible changes in your life? Or perhaps you've invested in an online course only to abandon it after completing a fraction of the content? Trust me, I've experienced both scenarios firsthand.

This program is designed to spare you from such a waste of time and money. It doesn't focus on how much I can teach you. It focuses on how much you can implement into your day-to-day life, from the first minute you start it. It focuses on attainable results and long-lasting effects. 

Furthermore, this program adopts a highly personalized approach tailored to your specific needs and circumstances. After assessing your situation, I will curate a bespoke module portfolio and devise an individualized schedule exclusively for you. You'll progress at your own pace, with continuous feedback and assignments to ensure comprehension and application before moving on to the next module.

Please note that I am selective about my students. Due to constraints on my time and energy, I only accept a limited number of students each year—serious individuals who recognize the value of investing in themselves. This ensures a high-quality learning experience and mutual fulfillment for both mentor and learner.

Life A.I.M.S Activator™ is a straightforward approach that helps my students to dig deep inside their hearts and to feel, listen and explore. With this system, you can develop the ability to see what you really want, identify the meaning of your life and further on define it into concrete life goals. That is the beginning of a transformation.  

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I teach my students to use Tangible Target Technique™ to set goals and create action-based plans for their accomplishment. This ability is considered the “master skill” of success. If you make it a lifelong habit, by applying it over and over for yourself toward every single day until it becomes automatic, like breathing in and breathing out, you are assured a much higher chance of success and achievement in whatever you do in life.   

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To exert the power of our being I teach my students M.A.S.T.E.R Mind Process™. This system is a mix of emotional intelligence training and critical thinking. It’s an introspective process that causes people to examine their thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and beliefs and how they directly impact their results. You will be trained on how to think like world-class performers, and how to control and manipulate your own emotions for maximum performance. 

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I teach my students to use Active Vitality Achiever™ to awaken their natural, inborn ability to cure and rejuvenate. You will learn a little-known yet 5000-year-old secret from China (one that works like crazy, yet that 99% of people will never know about ) that shows you how to conserve physical energy within our bodies so that it will no longer scatter and weaken as a result of our worldly interactions. You will be trained to remaining fully present and alive in the moment. 

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The Invincible Soul Instigator™  

is the one practice you must learn to develop in order to find inner peace and harmony in a frantic world. With this system, I teach my students to get rid of standard notions about success and happiness. You will learn to make an observation without criticism while being compassionate with yourself. You will learn to courageously step through fear and pain and loneliness. You will learn to take personal responsibility for your own physical, emotional and spiritual well being.

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What is the investment for a peak experience that 3D Bliss Quest program will surely bring you?  

25'998 CHF

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......and I have very good news for you!

You can try The 3D Bliss Quest program for 3 months Risk-Free. 

Yes, you have understood correctly. 3-month risk proof for you. Including the customized module portfolio. Including the skype one to one coaching. Including the homework. Including all the benefits you get. 3-month completely free. 

If you are not over-the-moon with your results after 3 months, simply email me and your entire investment will be instantly refunded. It's that easy. 

You might be thinking, "Hi, Miao, how can you set such a condition? 3 months is almost a quarter of the time!"

There are 2 reasons that I dare to have such bold money-back guarantee policy: 

1, I am very confident with the stuff that I am about to teach. The longer you stick to it, the more significant your result will become. 

2, Remember, when I introduced myself, I said, "I have the sense of greatness in whatever I do." For me, I have created this program to help people. So this program's sole mission and promise are to provide value to people, to witness a transformation. If not,  I will be more than happy to return your money back, because I don't deserve it. 

So get started now. You have nothing to lose but a whole new world to gain.

What happens after your order?

Let me provide a glimpse into the core of the 3D Bliss Quest system


Complete your order and you’ll get an Email with detailed instruction.

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Follow the link to complete the Life Architect Assessment.



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Schedule your first online mentoring session.